Playing with Maixduino: building firmware for micropython and overclocking

1. Prepare

  • Maixduino kit
  • Python3
  • Ubuntu 64 bit

2. Compile and flashing firmware

Maixduino can be used not only with Arduino IDE but also with MicroPython or even Linux. This tutorial just focuses on MicroPython.

2.1. Install dependencies

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip build-essential cmake
sudo pip3 install pyserial

2.2 Download toolchain


Backup link


Go to section 6 if you want to re-compile toolchain.

2.3 Extract to /opt

sudo tar -Jxvf kendryte-toolchain-ubuntu-amd64-8.2.0-20190409.tar.xz -C /opt
ls /opt/kendryte-toolchain/bin

2.4 Get source

git clone

Backup link

git clone

2.5 Get modules

cd MaixPy
git submodule update --recursive --init

2.6 Clean before build

cd projects/maixpy_k210
python3 clean
python3 distclean

2.7 Configure project

Change toolchain path if you place at different directory.

python3 --toolchain /opt/kendryte-toolchain/bin --toolchain-prefix riscv64-unknown-elf- config

2.8 Select modules

python3 menuconfig
Menuconfig for MaixPy

To have enough memory for complex camera or AI applications, NES, video and ws2812 modules should be disabled.

Components configuration —>
——————– Board config —>
——————– (400000000)CPU clock default frequency, can be overwrite by config file in file system
—————–*- Enable drivers component —>
———————–> Drivers configuration —>
——————————-> WS2812 —>
—————————————> [ ] Enable ws2812 over i2s component
————— [*] Enbale micropython component
———————–> Micropython configurations
——————————-> Modules configurations
—————————————> [*] Enable _thread module
—————————————> [ ] Enable NES emulator
—————————————> [*] Enbale LittlvGL
—————————————> [*] Enable Speech Recognizer
—————————————> [*] Enable Https SSL

Default CPU clock is 400 MHz, maximum is 600 MHz for Maixduino, go to section 5 for overclocking
Disable ws2812 driver
Disable NES emulator + video + Ws2812 modules, enable LittlvGL + Speech Recognizer + Http SSL modules

Press Esc many times to quit and Yes when it asks to save

Quit and Save

2.9 Rebuild project

python3 rebuild
Completed build

2.10 Connect board to PC and check it will have two USB

ls /dev/ttyUSB*
Connected kit shows two USB devices

2.11 Flash (Burn) firmware to board

python3 -B maixduino -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 1500000 -S flash
Flash firmware to Maixduino

3. Test with MaixPy IDE

3.1 Download and install MaixPy IDE

Go to to download MaixPy IDE

Backup link: MaixPy IDE

3.2 Install Maix IDE at /opt/maixpyide

chmod +x
sudo ./

3.3 Open Maix IDE

/opt/maixpyide/bin/maixpyide &
IDE with Hello World Example

3.4 Select board Maixduino

Tools -> Select board -> Sipeed Maixduino

Select Maixduino

3.5 Connect IDE to board

Click Connect icon to select USB0 to connect.

Click on Connect icon
Select USB0 to connect

3.6 Load script to RAM of board for testing

Click on Start icon or Ctrl+R

Click on Start icon

3.7 Open Serial Terminal to view result

Click on Serial Terminal on the bottom bar of the IDE

Open Serial Terminal

3.8 Save script to flash memory

Tools -> Save open script to board(

Save to flash memory

4. Manage files on board

uPyLoader is a useful tool to manage files (list, upload, download) on flash memory of Maixduino

4.1 Download tool

git clone

Backup link

git clone

4.2 Open tool

Disconnect MaixPy IDE with board and open uPyLoader

cd uPyLoader
uPyLoader GUI

4.3 Connect to board

Click on Connect button to connect Maixduino via USB0

uPyLoader will notice if the board has no transfer scripts. Go to File -> Init transfer files to fix this issue.

Transfer scripts now are on board

5. Overclocking

K210 CPU can run at 800MHz maximum. However, Micropython on Maixduino just supports CPU clock range from 26 Mhz to 600 MHz with step of 13 MHz, voltage modification is required to run at higher frequency. These limitations are defined in the mpconfigboard.h of source code of firmware at path: components/micropython/port/include/mpconfigboard.h

Frequency limitations

Because of limitation of power supply and heat sink on Maixduino, CPU K210 can be overclocked to 598 MHz maximum without using KPU module. KPU clock default value is 416 MHz, it can be overclocked to values 450 MHz, 468 MHz, 476 MHz, 485 MHz, 494 MHz, 502 MHz, 520 MHz, 528 MHz, 537 MHz, 546 MHz, 559 MHz, 572 MHz, 585 MHz and 598 MHz. If both CPU and KPU are running, we should overclock CPU to 546 MHz and KPU to 450 MHz maximum to ensure long run.

5.1 Get current CPU and KPU clocks

Use freq module in module Maix. This module has get functions to get CPU and KPU frequencies. 

from Maix import freq

cpu_frq, kpu_frq=freq.get()
print("CPU Frq = %d MHz" %(cpu_frq))
print("KPU Frq = %d MHz" %(kpu_frq))
Get default CPU and KPU clocks

5.2 Overclocking

To overclock, use set function of Freq module. This function should be used only once because it will reboot the board after executing. The script below will check frequencies and set clocks to 546 MHz for CPU and 450 MHz for KPU. Setting new clocks will be saved into freq.conf on flash memory of the device, therefore, to ensure any issue on writing to flash, the script will remove old freq.conf file before setting.

from Maix import freq

cpu_frq, kpu_frq=freq.get()
print("\nCPU Frq = %d MHz" %(cpu_frq))
print("KPU Frq = %d MHz" %(kpu_frq))

if cpu_frq != 546 or kpu_frq != 450:
    print("Removing old frequency...")
    print("Overclocking CPU to 546 MHz and KPU to 450 MHz...")
    # kpu frequency is pll1/kpu_div
    freq.set(cpu=546, pll1=450, kpu_div=1)
Overclock CPU to 546 MHz and KPU to 450 MHz

6. Recompile toolchain

6.1 Install dependencies

sudo apt install autoconf automake autotools-dev curl libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev libisl-dev

6.2 Get source

git clone --recursive

Backup link

git clone --recursive

6.3 Install submodules

cd kendryte-gnu-toolchain
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd riscv-gcc/
cd ..

6.4 Configure

Change prefix path if you want to install the toolchain at different path

./configure --prefix=/opt/kendryte-toolchain --with-cmodel=medany --with-arch=rv64imafc --with-abi=lp64f

6.5 Compile

sudo make -j$(nproc)

7. Save board info into Maixduino

If you want to use alias names for GPIO and get that with board module, config.json file must be save into flash memory. Run the script below to do that.

import json
config = {
  "type": "duino",
  "board_info": {
      'BOOT_KEY': 16,
      'LED_R': 13,
      'LED_G': 12,
      'LED_B': 14,
      'WIFI_TX': 6,
      'WIFI_RX': 7,
      'WIFI_EN': 8,
      'MIC0_WS': 19,
      'MIC0_DATA': 20,
      'MIC0_BCK': 18,
      'I2S_WS': 33,
      'I2S_DA': 34,
      'I2S_BCK': 35,
      'ESP32_CS': 25,
      'ESP32_RST': 8,
      'ESP32_RDY': 9,
      'ESP32_MOSI': 28,
      'ESP32_MISO': 26,
      'ESP32_SCLK': 27,
cfg = json.dumps(config)
  with open('/flash/config.json', 'rb') as f:
    tmp = json.loads(
    if tmp["type"] != config["type"]:
      raise Exception('config.json no exist')
except Exception as e:
  with open('/flash/config.json', "w") as f:
  import machine


One response to “Playing with Maixduino: building firmware for micropython and overclocking”

  1. […] is not enabled as default module in Maixduino firmware. Go to this post to enable LvGl and rebuild […]

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